
Hi, I’m Gina!

Gina's May 3, 2024 Friday Finds

Published 16 days ago • 2 min read

Reader, Welcome to this week’s inspiring Friday Finds!

Well, as you can tell, I survived my week of tech issues. For now, I’m still using the same email service, but I’m researching the heck out of alternatives. Lol

Weekly Friday Finds | o5-03- 2024 | Blog News

These are the new posts I featured on the blog the past week, listed in order of popularity. Were any of them your favorite?

~ 7 Reasons Adults Should Read Children’s Books ~

Cut and Thirst: A Short Story by Margaret Atwood

Kamyla Chung and the Creepy Crawlies by Ellwyn Autumn

AXION: The Memory Rights Uprising by David Shulman

Older posts that were the most popular recently are listed below

Zoom Loom Weaving Tutorial - Beginners

The Ghosts of Culloden Moor Collection

Island Detour by Maria Imbalzano

Pin Loom Obsession

Don’t forget, if you have a favorite review or author on my website, visit that post and leave a like, comment, or share. The author with the most will be awarded the next Author of the Month Badge, and everyone who leaves comments for the winning author will be entered into a small gift drawing.

Weekly Friday Finds | 05-03-2024 | Recipes

It's Kentucky Derby Weekend! You can enjoy these recipes even if you aren't into horse racing.

Bourbon Balls - No Bake

Blackberry Mint Julep

And for your exclusive email subscriber recipe:

Kentucky Derby Hot Brown Sliders

Weekly Friday Finds | 05-03-2024 | Author News

This is my latest scoop from Indie Authors.

Authors' and panelists' entries for BBNYA will close at midnight on May 3, 2024(GMT). This is your last chance, folks. Sign up NOW! A lot of great books have already been entered, and I think over 100 panelists will judge the books. It's going to be a great time with fabulous books, authors, and prizes for everyone.


Charlotte Whitney told me about a just-published anthology featuring 14 authors (she's one) who describe their path to becoming authors. The link is in the blog post.

Weekly Friday Finds | 05-03-2024 | Creative News

Last week's Friday Finds featured turning kitchen gadgets into planters. I shared a beautiful kit for small loom-woven towels this week on the blog.


For something relevant and fun, check out this pack of Kentucky Derby Party Games (instant download)

Weekly Friday Finds | 05-03-2024 | Trivia Time

This week's trivia question is:

Which spice is derived from the crocus flower?

Leave your answer in the comments. If you are also a newsletter subscriber, you'll get double entries. The next drawing will be held in mid-May!

The answer to last week's question:

What book holds the record for being the most stolen book from public libraries? The Guinness Book of World Records, with the Bible coming in close behind. Seriously? People steal the Bible!

That wraps up this week's Friday Finds email. Please let me know which feature you liked the most. That helps me plan future editions.

I'm now moving on to the next item on my ever-evolving to-do list! Does your list tend to grow the more you cross off? I know mine does!

Have a happy and peaceful week, Reader,


Please share the 05-03-2024 Friday Finds with your friends and family. The blog follower and email subscriber list is growing by leaps and bounds. The more eyes I get on my work, the more fun finds I can bring you.

If you are feeling exceptionally generous…donations are always welcome! LoL

Hi, I’m Gina!


I offer honest book reviews, DIY articles, and down-home cooking recipes on my website, I send one email per week called the Friday Finds, where I curate a list of the best books, recipes, crafts, and more, just for you. I wear many hats: wife, mom, nana, weaver, knitter, and reader are just a few. Join me for an entertaining & helpful weekly guide to make life more enjoyable.

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Hello & Welcome, Reader, How is life treating you? Good, I hope! If you are looking for a bit of inspiration, here is your weekly Friday Finds newsletter! We're home and hit the ground running. I have a list of chores a mile long! As soon as I get a minute, I need to prioritize them into: 1)Absolutely! 2)I really want to get these done. 3) And my old standby: Nobody will notice that but me. Do you ever resort to using #3? I sure do more than I used to! Well, let's move on to the "fun" stuff!...

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