
Hi, I’m Gina!


I offer honest book reviews, DIY articles, and down-home cooking recipes on my website, I send one email per week called the Friday Finds, where I curate a list of the best books, recipes, crafts, and more, just for you. I wear many hats: wife, mom, nana, weaver, knitter, and reader are just a few. Join me for an entertaining & helpful weekly guide to make life more enjoyable.

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[FIRST NAME GOES HERE], Here are your exclusive 05-17-2024 Friday Finds

Hello & Welcome, Reader, How is life treating you? Good, I hope! If you are looking for a bit of inspiration, here is your weekly Friday Finds newsletter! We're home and hit the ground running. I have a list of chores a mile long! As soon as I get a minute, I need to prioritize them into: 1)Absolutely! 2)I really want to get these done. 3) And my old standby: Nobody will notice that but me. Do you ever resort to using #3? I sure do more than I used to! Well, let's move on to the "fun" stuff!...

2 days ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader, It's good to see you here today! I'm writing you from chilly, cold Milwaukee. A trip to warm and sunny Phoenix is looking better and better every day! lol Have you had a good week since I last talked to you? Mine has been excellent. I'm doing lots of cleaning, sorting, and pitching around the house. We made a quick jaunt to WI for a Mother's Day baseball game with my daughter and lots of snuggles and hugs from the littlest grandsons. I'm in heaven. You have to get those hugs before...

10 days ago • 3 min read

Reader, Welcome to this week’s inspiring Friday Finds! Well, as you can tell, I survived my week of tech issues. For now, I’m still using the same email service, but I’m researching the heck out of alternatives. Lol Weekly Friday Finds | o5-03- 2024 | Blog News These are the new posts I featured on the blog the past week, listed in order of popularity. Were any of them your favorite? ~ 7 Reasons Adults Should Read Children’s Books ~ Cut and Thirst: A Short Story by Margaret Atwood Kamyla...

16 days ago • 2 min read

Well, this email is late getting to you. Let me explain why… I got behind this week for a very good reason. I took a day off on Wednesday to pick the grandkids up from early school dismissal. Then, we met my daughter and her grandbaby (my great-grandbaby!!) for lunch. Tom and I had such a great time. The older kids are so funny. The baby is happy and, at a year old, really getting to that fun, interactive stage. It should be fine, I thought. I would still have Thursday to finish the Friday...

23 days ago • 3 min read

Hey there Reader, Welcome. I hope you are having a great week. I'm having a very productive week on the website and around the house. Spring is definitely my inspired season. It just makes me feel so motivated. What is your most inspiring season? Let's move on to the fun finds! Be sure you read to the bottom to catch all the news. Weekly Friday Finds | 04-12-2024 | Trivia Time This week’s trivia question is: What is the oldest soft drink in America? The answer to last week’s question: The...

about 1 month ago • 2 min read

Hello Reader, I'm so happy to have you here today. I'm running a bit behind today. I figured grandkids were more important than getting this email out at a specific time. A couple of the grandsons are here helping to tear down an old barn. I've been busy keeping those ravenous kids supplied with cookies, fruit snacks, and drinks. I'm squeezing this email in before I start dinner. We are just having a fabulous time. I hope you enjoy your Friday Finds email this week. Please click on over to...

about 2 months ago • 2 min read

Hello and welcome, Reader. What's new with you this week? There's not much going on here except college basketball. I had hoped to do some spring cleaning, but it's cold, with snow flurries and biting winds—not really conducive to my cleaning plan. I also have taxes looming over my head, so I'm postponing the cleaning for a week. Let's see what excuses I can come up with next. LoL! Let's start off this week with some announcements: I'm adding another monthly challenge. Each week, the book...

about 2 months ago • 2 min read

Reader, Hello and welcome! I am running a bit behind today but for a "worthy" cause. I intended to write this early this morning but when I woke up, hubs said let's go to town & pick out new light fixtures for the dining room and a new front door. Now, I have wanted to do this project for ages, and I was not going to say no. So, off I went to shop. I came home with nothing because I am evidently waaay too picky. But I see no sense in settling. I've waited this long, I can wait till I find the...

2 months ago • 2 min read

Hello & welcome, Reader, Before we get to your subscriber-only perks, I want to let you know that this week's Friday Finds blog post is live and packed full of goodness. Don't miss all the fun stuff. Click here to read the post. I'll share this link again so you don't miss it. Indie Author News I know many Indie Authors subscribe to this email. Please know that you can send me any news you have and I can include it in this space and in the weekly blog post. On a side note, if you send me...

2 months ago • 2 min read

Hello & welcome, Reader, Before we get to your subscriber-only perks, I want to let you know that this week's Friday Finds blog post is live, and it's packed full of goodness. Don't miss all the fun stuff. Click here to read the post. I'll share this link again so you don't miss it. Indie Author News Thanks to the help of all of you readers who clicked through from the previous links, Mark J. Engels and his Werecats Emergent was announced as the first-place winner in the Chrysalis BREW...

3 months ago • 1 min read
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