
Hi, I’m Gina!

April 26, 2024 Friday Finds - TAKE 2!!

Published 13 days ago • 3 min read

Well, this email is late getting to you. Let me explain why…

I got behind this week for a very good reason. I took a day off on Wednesday to pick the grandkids up from early school dismissal. Then, we met my daughter and her grandbaby (my great-grandbaby!!) for lunch. Tom and I had such a great time. The older kids are so funny. The baby is happy and, at a year old, really getting to that fun, interactive stage.

It should be fine, I thought. I would still have Thursday to finish the Friday Finds after my doctor's appointment and labs. That trip to town took way longer than it should have. I got the blog post written but was rather overpowered by a headache from fasting too long.

So, I planned to write the email portion first thing Friday morning, and everything would be perfect. It would just go out a little later than usual. I was writing along on what I thought was maybe my most entertaining email in quite a while when the screen flashed, and I lost everything!!

Ever since, I’ve been on chat and email with my email service provider, trying to find a way to recover it. It doesn’t seem like it’s going to be possible, so here I am, writing a replacement (in Google Docs like I should have been doing in the first place).

I took a lunch break and sulked for a bit, and now I’m trying to remember all the cool things I wanted to tell you. My mind is blank. Haha

So here is an abbreviated version. If the tech service guy can help me retrieve the lost draft, I’ll send it later or add it to next week’s. For now, I hope you enjoy today’s much-delayed newsletter subscriber Friday Finds.


Weekly Friday Finds | o4-26-2024 | Blog News

Did you catch all these on the blog this week? Here’s your second chance if you missed anything.

The Last Dragonfly (Dragonfly Destiny Series #1) by E.G. Moore

Katharine’s Remarkable Road Trip by Gail Ward Olmsted

Robber Ducky (Granny Appleton #3) by Missy Tarantino

Peace Tigers by Dave Martelon

The Fallenwood Chronicles by Leslie D. Soule

Guest post by Bethany Rosa, author of Pursuit of Innocence

Weekly Friday Finds | 04-26-2024 | Recipes

This week's Friday Finds blog post includes recipes for mini meatloaf muffins and brown butter berry tea cakes. Here is your email subscriber-only recipe.

Crispy Dill Tilapia from Taste of Home

I’ve been trying to add new seafood recipes to our weekly menu. I hope to try this one soon.

Weekly Friday Finds | 04-26-2024 | Author News

While I shared this in the blog post, I want to ensure you don't miss it.

Here's a link to a great GoodReads giveaway!

Book giveaway for Tayvie’s Story by Mim Eichmann Apr 20-May 05, 2024

Lauren K. Roberts will publish The Breadcrumb Game on Friday, April 26! (That’s TODAY!) I am excited to read it. You can watch the book trailer and learn about the details on the website.

Author of the Month Winner

I brought back my Author of the Month feature with a twist. You, the reader, get to choose the winner. For now, I’m using a combination of book review page visits and comments. I may adjust this as I see how it’s going. So, if you have a favorite book review, author, guest post, etc., from April, click on that post and show some love.

The winner for March is….. MARK J. ENGLES!

Authors! Do you have news you would like to share with my readers? Please email me, and I’ll include it in the next available Friday Finds Author News spot. Remember to vote for my review of your book and send your fans over, too.

Weekly Friday Finds | 04-26-2024 | Creative News

DIY Book Page Vintage Botanical Prints from The Crazy Craft Lady

This technique looks simple and I see so many ways to utilize it. I may start practicing by making some prints to hang over my desk.

Weekly Friday Finds | 04-26-2024 | Trivia Time

This week’s trivia question is:

What book holds the record for being the most stolen book from public libraries?

The answer to last week’s question:

Qiviut is a very soft and sturdy fiber. From which animal is this fiber harvested?

Quiviut is a luxurious fiber that is obtained from the muskox, a large mammal native to the Arctic Circle. The term “qiviut” translates to “down” or “underwool,” referring to the incredibly fine, soft underlayer of fur that muskox grows beneath its tougher, protective outer layer. (Read More)

To enter, reply to this email or leave your answer in the blog post's comments section. (hint!) Email subscribers who leave comments on the website get double entries.

Sharing is Caring

Please share the 04-26-2024 Friday Finds with your friends and family. The blog followers and email subscriber list is growing by leaps and bounds. The more eyes I get on my work, the more fun finds I can bring you.

If you are feeling exceptionally generous…donations are always welcome!

Okay, that’s all I can remember for now, but don’t be surprised if you get a second email from me this week. I'm heading back to tech services to see what they found. Maybe they will have suggestions so at least I don't have to deal with this again.

Love and Peace to you, Reader


Hi, I’m Gina!


I offer honest book reviews, DIY articles, and down-home cooking recipes on my website, I send one email per week called the Friday Finds, where I curate a list of the best books, recipes, crafts, and more, just for you. I wear many hats: wife, mom, nana, weaver, knitter, and reader are just a few. Join me for an entertaining & helpful weekly guide to make life more enjoyable.

Read more from Hi, I’m Gina!

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